Student placements
Bendigo Community Health Services provides a supportive environment through a comprehensive Student Placement Program offered to post-secondary, undergraduate and postgraduate students.

We aim to provide students with a meaningful experience that will enhance discipline-specific skills, graduate attributes and employability.
We recognise the value of appropriately-skilled health practitioners in regional primary health services.
We are committed to capacity building and workforce development for rural and regional students, and we know that students who experience a placement locally are more likely to stay and build a career.
Placement opportunities exist for the following disciplines:
- Community Services
- Counselling
- Exercise Physiology
- Medicine
- Nursing (Community, Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs)
- Occupational Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatry
- Psychology
- Public Health and Health Promotion
- Communications and Marketing
- Social Work
- Speech Pathology
All students are required to have a valid Police Check and an Employee Working With Children Check.