Workplace Health & Wellbeing Program
Bendigo Community Health Services (BCHS) supports businesses to create a health promoting workplace, where employers value the health and wellbeing of their workers.

We can tailor programs and plans to suit the needs of employees. We offer individual health assessments, annual workplace-wide flu vaccinations, health education sessions and more.
What are the benefits of a healthy workplace?
Healthy workplaces can help to make businesses more productive and employees more engaged. Promoting and supporting health in the workplace is not only common sense, it makes good business sense too.
Did you know:
- The healthiest Australian employees are up to three times more productive at work.
- The increase in preventable disease and workplace injury is a major cause of workplace absence or disruption.
- Smoking, excessive drinking, poor diet, inactivity and excess body weight can contribute to time away from work.
- Loss in productivity due to obesity through absenteeism, attending work when sick and premature death is estimated to cost more than $6.4 billion a year.

Why use a local service?
We are the largest provider of primary care services in the Greater Bendigo region.
The costs of our programs are kept to an affordable rate for businesses of all sizes.
Our staff are qualified in their area of expertise and have current knowledge of relevant research.
We foster ongoing relationships that strengthens commitment to both short and long term strategies.
Our Workplace Health & Wellbeing services
We offer a range of fee-for-service programs, delivered within your workplace.
General Health
Comprehensive Health Assessments
(40 minutes for each employee)
Health assessments in the workplace encourage employees to improve their general health and wellbeing, with the ultimate results being enhanced workplace performance, less absenteeism and greater productivity.
This assessment involves screening tests, interpreting and analysing the results and providing explanations and advice on any lifestyle changes required.
Each participant will have the following assessed:
- Blood pressure/pulse
- Blood cholesterol
- Type 2 diabetes risk assessment
- Physical activity level
- Waist circumference
- Family health history
- Cardiovascular risk assessment
- Smoking
- Alcohol screen
- Emotional health.
Each participant then receives a health plan which includes a copy of all results, recommendations for follow up/referral, if necessary, and related client information.
Organisation De-identified Health Assessment Profile Summary
The profile summary provides a snapshot of the health and wellbeing of participating employees. The summary is designed to assist the organisation to encourage healthy behaviours among employees. The information can be used to help introduce, or build upon, workplace health and wellbeing programs in areas of greatest need among employees.
Health Assessment
(30 minutes per employee)
Health assessments in the workplace encourage employees to improve their general health and wellbeing, with the ultimate results being enhanced workplace performance, less absenteeism and greater productivity.
This assessment involves screening tests, interpreting and analysing the results and providing explanations and advice on any lifestyle changes required.
Each participant will have the following assessed:
- Blood pressure/pulse
- Blood cholesterol
- Type 2 diabetes risk assessment
- Waist circumference
- Cardiovascular risk assessment
- Emotional health.
Each participant then receives a health plan which includes a copy of all results, recommendations for follow up/referral if necessary and related client information.
Organisation De-identified Health Assessment Profile Summary
The profile summary provides a snapshot of the health and wellbeing of participating employees. The summary is designed to assist the organisation to encourage healthy behaviours among employees. The information can be used to help introduce or build upon, workplace health and wellbeing programs in areas of greatest need among employees.
Basic Health Assessment
(20 minutes per employee)
Health assessments in the workplace encourage employees to improve their general health and wellbeing, with the ultimate result being enhanced workplace performance, less absenteeism and greater productivity.
This assessment involves screening tests, interpreting and analysing the results and providing explanations and advice on any lifestyle changes required.
Each participate will have the following assessed:
- Blood pressure/pulse
- Blood cholesterol
- Type 2 diabetes risk assessment
- Waist circumference.
Each participant then receives a health plan which includes a copy of all results, recommendations for follow-up/referral if necessary and related client information.
Mini Health Assessment
(10 minutes per employee)
Health assessments in the workplace encourage employees to improve their general health and wellbeing, with the ultimate result being enhanced workplace performance, less absenteeism and greater productivity.
This assessment involves screening tests, interpreting and analysing the results and providing explanations and advice on any lifestyle changes required.
Each participate will have the following assessed:
- Blood pressure
- Blood cholesterol
- Blood glucose (non-fasting).
Pre-Employment Health Check
Basic Health Check – Pre-Employment
(30 minutes per check)
The aim of a pre-employment health check is to assess the prospective employee’s medical suitability for the identified position. The aim is to assess both physical and biomedical health in relation to being job ready, with the ultimate result being enhanced workplace performance, less absenteeism and greater productivity.
This assessment involves screening tests, interpreting and analysing the results and handover to a relevant workplace representative.
Each prospective employee will have the following assessed:
- Blood pressure/pulse
- Basic eye assessment
- Other pre-employment assessments as per workplace requirements (cost negotiated).
Lung Function
Lung Function Assessment
(30 minutes per check)
The spirometry assessment monitors the lung function and capacity of an individual employee, who may potentially be exposed to scheduled hazardous substances during the course of their work.
The assessment involves completing a minimum of three spirometry readings, interpreting and analysing the results, and providing an explanation of the assessment.
Results are compiled and a report of results is provided to the individual employee (via private email). The individual employee will be asked to provide consent to release a copy of the report to their organisation for their personal file – via email by the organisation’s nominated representative, for example, the Human Resources Officer.
Individual spirometry results will be recorded to enable comparison in future appointments to monitor any deterioration in lung compacity and/or function.
Where required, a referral to a GP for further clinical assessment will be provided (the individual employee has the choice of their own GP or referred to a BCHS GP). The individual employee is requested to liaise with their organisation’s representative regarding further medical assessment.
Influenza Vaccination Program
Immunisations help to keep us healthy at work. They also keep the people you are working with, your family and the wider community healthy too.
Each year we provide approximately 3000 flu vaccinations to employees of workplaces across the City of Greater Bendigo, Mount Alexander, Campaspe and Loddon shires.
Timing is important. The early months of autumn, between March and April, are an ideal time to be immunised. The vaccine takes effect in about two weeks and provides protection from influenza right through the year. Annual immunisations are advised as the flu vaccine is adjusted each year to protect from current strains of influenza.
A qualified immunisation nurse administers the vaccine.
We travel to individual workplaces to provide on-site vaccinations.
The cost of the vaccine varies each year and is dependent on the number ordered. For costs and bookings call (03) 5406 1200 or email
Occupational Vaccination Program
Many jobs have a higher risk of exposure to infectious diseases. For some, there is even a higher risk of spreading these diseases to people who are mostly either too sick or too young to be immunised.
This program is offered at our medical practice. Staff are required to book and attend the medical practice with a completed consent form that has written approval from their organisation’s Human Resources/Manager identifying the vaccination required.
For a detailed list of occupational-specific vaccinations available, more information or to request a quote please email or call (03) 5406 1200.
Physical Activity
Work Fit – Education Session
To gain health benefits, exercise does not have to be strenuous or time consuming and does not require expensive gym equipment. Developed by our qualified Exercise Physiologist Team, this session informs and motivates employees to tip the balance in their favour by understanding:
- Practical ways of incorporating exercise every day
- Sedentary behaviour
- Posture in the workplace
- Strength training.
Time: 1 hour session.
Numbers: Maximum of 30 attendees or as negotiated.
Stand Up for Your Health Education Session
Many of us are spending most of our waking hours sitting. Sitting has long been recognised as being a cause of spinal pain, but recent research has shown that it also has a significant detrimental effect on our health. This session shows how to combat the risks.
Time: 45-minute session.
Numbers: Maximum of 30 attendees or as negotiated.
Fit and Fuelled for Life Education Session
As our obesity rate continues to escalate and our physical activity levels decline, it’s time to take stock, get serious and simplify our approach to healthy eating, weight management and exercise. This is an all-round education session for healthy living, which covers:
- Why does weight matter?
- Diets don’t work!
- Healthy eating made simple
- Benefits of physical activity
- Different types of exercise
- Getting started
Time: 1 hour session.
Numbers: Maximum of 30 attendees or as negotiated.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Stress Management Education Session
It is estimated that one in five adults will have a common mental health disorder in any one year, such as anxiety, depression or substance use. Benefits of good mental health and wellbeing include:
- Improved physical health
- Improved productivity
- Improved social relationships
- Economic benefits.
This session looks at:
- Factors contributing to stress and wellbeing at work and in life.
- Symptoms and consequences of stress.
- Coping strategies for stress – professional, organisational and personal.
- Positive changes you can make.
Time: 1 hour session.
Numbers: Maximum of 30 attendees or as negotiated.
Understanding Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace
This presentation is delivered by experienced mental health clinicians with a focus on recognising mental ill-health in self and others. It explains how mental ill-health presents and has a particular focus on the workplace setting. It provides details on how colleagues and managers can assist those who are experiencing signs and symptoms of mental ill-health in their workplace – and also prepares them to assist others outside that setting. This is a practical, information sharing, interactive workshop for all employees across an organisation that provides strategies for supporting self, colleagues, friends and family who are experiencing mental ill-health.
Time: 2.5-hour session.
Numbers: Minimum of 5 attendees and a maximum of 15 attendees, or as negotiated.
How Are You? Education Session
This session looks at one of the most common mental health problems – depression. One in five people experience depression at some stage of their lives.
Depression is more than just a low mood: it is a serious illness. While we all feel sad, moody or low from time to time, some people experience these feelings intensely, for long periods of time and often without a reason. This session covers:
- Recognising depression
- Signs and symptoms
- Risk factors for depression
- Treatment
- Helping others.
Time: 1 hour session.
Numbers: Maximum of 30 per session or as negotiated.
Finding the Balance Education Session
Balancing work commitments, family and personal responsibilities involves giving appropriate amounts of attention, time and energy to the important aspects of life. How we distribute this energy influences our health, feelings of wellness and productivity.
This session informs and motivates employees to tip the balance in their favour by understanding:
- Components of work-life balance
- Benefits of work-life balance
- Recognising work-life imbalance
- Ways to create and maintain work-life balance.
Time: 1 hour session.
Numbers: Maximum of 30 attendees or as negotiated.
Better Sleep Education Session
Fatigue significantly impairs the performance of routine tasks and is the number one preventable factor in relation to road accidents and work injuries. Sleep Disorders Australia estimate that a lack of sleep costs the community over $5 billion each year in lost productivity and absences from work. This session covers:
- What happens when we sleep?
- What happens when we don’t sleep?
- How much sleep do we need?
- Overcoming common sleep problems
- Improving sleep quality.
Sessions can be tailored to meet the needs of specific occupational types, for example, shift workers, office workers etc.
Time: 1 hour session.
Numbers: Maximum of 30 attendees or as negotiated.
Fatigue Management
Fatigue is more than feeling tired and drowsy. In a work context, fatigue is a state of mental and/or physical exhaustion that reduces a person’s ability to perform work safely and effectively.
Fatigue may increase the risk of incidents because of a lack of alertness. It may result in a slower reaction to signals or situations and affect a person’s ability to make good decisions. This session covers:
- Fatigue symptoms
- Cause of fatigue
- Tips to help boost energy levels
- Your responsibility.
Time: 1 hour session.
Numbers: Maximum of 30 attendees or as negotiated.
Alcohol and Other Drugs
Quit Smoking Education Session
Over the years we’ve learned a lot about how to quit smoking from the people who know – the thousands of Australians who have stopped smoking for good. We can provide your staff with help and support in the form of the highly successful Quit Smoking Program. This session covers:
- Planning to quit
- Health effects of smoking
- Understanding addiction
- Personal strategies to quit
- Quitting methods
- Relaxation techniques/stress management
- Staying stopped – short term and long term
Time: 1 hour session.
Numbers: Maximum of 15 attendees.
Cost: This is a fully funded, free session.
Alcohol and Other Drugs Education Session
Did you know 1 in 10 work accidents are related to alcohol? Learn about the effects and impacts of alcohol and other drugs. This program can be tailored to your needs, focusing on alcohol, drugs or both and can cover:
- The impacts of alcohol – health and person
- The effects on your health, including heart, liver, diabetes and brain
- The effects on your professional, social and personal life
- Psychological problems
- The cost of alcohol to the individual and the employer
- The national guidelines for alcohol consumption
- Other drugs include: cannabis, benzodiazepines, ecstasy, amphetamines, cocaine, heroin, painkillers and hallucinogens.
Time: 1 hour session.
Numbers: Maximum of 30 attendees or as negotiated.
Women’s Health
Women’s Health Education Session
This session will explore contemporary thinking relevant to a range of women’s health issues and offers participants the opportunity to discuss preventative and protective measures. It covers:
- Breast health
- Cervical screening
- Safe sex practices
- Menopause.
Time: 1 hour session.
Numbers: Maximum of 30 attendees or as negotiated.
Men’s Health
Men’s Health Education Session
Research indicates the health needs of men are substantial and often require a special focus. Men, particularly men living in rural environments, have a poorer health status than women, and their life expectancy is considerably less than a woman’s. This session covers:
- What about men? The facts
- Changeable risk factors
- Men’s health – mental, physical and social
- Men and self-care
- What’s in an annual check-up?
- Prostate health
- Cardiac disease
- Sexual health
Time: 1 hour session.
Numbers: Maximum of 30 attendees or as negotiated.
Program Policies
Travel Costs
Travel beyond 10 kilometres from the Bendigo CBD will be charged at ATO rate of $0.78 per kilometre.
Risk Management Policy
Physical space
The organisation must provide a designated staff member as a point of contact. That staff member must provide the Bendigo Community Health Services staff member with the organisation’s OH&S guidelines, including protocol in an emergency situation (that is, the designated place for all staff to assemble in emergencies), the layout of the building they will be working in and all relevant exit points.
Health Assessments – At Workplace
The organisation is required to provide a private room (both acoustically and visually). The room is required to have a telephone (landline), power outlet, one table and two chairs
Cancellation Policy
Non-Attendance: All non-attendance on the day of scheduled appointments will be charged to the employer at 100% of the normal workplace health promotion fee.
24 hour notice: Cancellations made 24 hours prior to the day of scheduled appointments will be charged to the employer at 100% of the normal workplace health promotion fee.
14 days and up to 48 hours prior to booking: Cancellations made between 14 and two days of the scheduled appointment will be charged to the employer at 50% of the full day rate/session.
Payment Policy
Terms of payment: Invoices will be issued monthly, and payment will be required within 14 days.