Our podiatry service is here to support you to live independently by helping with your lower leg and foot related concerns.

Our podiatrists’ primary focus is to manage foot and lower limb conditions through comprehensive assessment, management and education.
We provide podiatry services through the following:
• My Aged Care
• Medicare
• WorkCover
• TAC.
We welcome DVA clients, DVA Health Cards (Gold and White) are accepted as payment upon a GP referral.
You will also require a pension and/or healthcare card to be eligible for this service.
Accessing this service
You will need a referral from your doctor, other health provider, or My Aged Care to access this service.
Referrals can be emailed to or faxed to (03) 5441 4200
Please note: There is a waiting list for this service.
There is a $15 appointment fee for this service.
Contact us
Our podiatry service is offered at our Eaglehawk*, Kangaroo Flat and Bendigo Central sites.
Book an appointment at the site most convenient to you on (03) 5406 1200.
*Our Eaglehawk site is currently closed for refurbishment.
Useful Links
My Aged Care Service
Phone: 1800 200 422
Program support
Our podiatry service is supported by the Australian Government Department of Health and the Victorian Government Department of Health and Human Services.
Although funding for this podiatry service has been provided by the Australian Government, the material contained herein does not necessarily represent the views or policies of the Australian Government.