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Join the movement to help Vic Kids Eat Well


Schools, sport clubs and other organisations working with young people are being invited to learn more about how they can help Vic Kids Eat Well.

Bendigo Community Health Services is supporting Vic Kids Eat Well, a new Victoria-wide initiative focusing on healthy food and drink options in places young people spend their time, including schools, outside school hours care, sports clubs, recreation facilities and council operated facilities.

Recent Department of Health data shows 41 per cent of children’s diets comes from highly processed food, while the Secondary Schools Canteens in Australia (Haynes, A et al) analysis found more than 77 per cent of secondary schools in Australia still sell sugary drinks.

Vic Kids Eat Well assists with achievable steps, including ditching sugary drinks, boosting healthy food options in canteens and removing unhealthy marketing.

The initiative is supported by the Victorian Government and is delivered by Cancer Council Victoria’s Achievement Program, in partnership with Nutrition Australia’s Healthy Eating Advisory Service.

Participating organisations will have access to a dedicated BCHS Health Promotion Officer, along with practical resources and incentives to celebrate success.The Health Promotion Officer can assist with planning to implement changes that provide healthier options.

The program focuses on four key actions:

  • Refresh the fridge – give sugary drinks the boot and let water take the spotlight
  • Switch up the snacks – ditch the sweets and offer delicious healthy snacks that give kids the fuel they need
  • Change up the menu – give fruit and veggies a chance to shine
  • Put the ‘fun’ into fundraising and marketing – add health appeal to meal deals and fundraising

BCHS Health Promotion Officer, Valerie Nkala, says there are simple steps we can all take to help young people live healthier lives.

“Small changes can make a big difference to the long-term health of a young person,” she said.

Schools are invited to Brunch and Afternoon Bite to learn more. Register: Click here

When: Monday, May 9 at (Brunch) 10am – 11am or (Afternoon bite) 4.30pm – 5.30pm.

Where: Fork in the Road, BCHS Central Site, 165-171 Hargreaves Street Bendigo.

Who can attend: Principals, canteen/ tuckshop staff, wellbeing staff, and OSHC staff or anyone else interested. Everyone is welcome

How does it work?

Tailored one-on-one support from Health Promoter for local primary, secondary schools, OSHC and sports clubs to achieve ‘small’ or ‘big’ bites. These actions will ensure delicious, healthy food and drink options are available.

What is involved?

Step 1: Join the movement Your school or sport club can join on the Vic Kids Eat Well website at

Step 2: Connect

You will be connected with a dedicated health promotion officer from BCHS, who will support you every step of the way

Step 3: Take Action

You can choose ‘small bites’ such as kicking confectionary, or ‘big bites’, such as changing up the menu and letting healthy food take the spotlight. ‘Bites’ are specific to the type of organisation, and each ‘big bite’ is broken down into achievable ‘small bites’.

All ‘bites’ align with current policies and guidelines such as the Canteens, Healthy Eating and Other Food Services Policy for Schools, Food and Drink Guidelines for Outside School Hours Care, Healthy Choices Guidelines for Sport and Recreation Facilities and Achievement Program benchmarks

Step 4: Get rewards and celebrate progress.

Great prizes and rewards can be unlocked when organisations complete ‘small bites’ and ‘big bites’. Milestones will be publicly celebrated along the way.

Step 5: Keep the momentum going.

You will be encouraged to continue their healthy eating journey. You will be supported to meet relevant healthy eating policies and guidelines and to receive Victorian Government recognition through Cancer Council Victoria’s Achievement Program.

To sign up or learn more, head to: or call 5406 1200 to find out more from the Health Promotion Officer, Valerie Nkala.

Click here to download Express Breakfast flyer

Click here to download program flyer