Bendigo Community Health Services welcomes passionate health advocates, and anyone interested in health and wellbeing, to sign up as a member.

Your membership ensures that a broad section of the community has a say in their community health service.
Benefits of membership:
- Be the first to receive our monthly community newsletter.
- Receive invitations to events.
- Stay in-the-know about what’s happening, and help spread the word among your networks.
- Be involved in our Annual General Meeting.
- Participate in client and community surveys.
- Receive a copy of our annual Quality of Care report.
- Nominate to become a Director of the Board, subject to eligibility.
- Participate in electing the Board of Directors.
Membership criteria
You may apply to become a member if you are over the age of 18 years and either:
- Are a patient/client or carer for a patient/client.
- You’re a volunteer with Bendigo Community Health Services.
- You live, work or study in the local community.
- You have a previous connection with Bendigo Community Health Services which the Board believes necessary or desirable to further its objectives.
How to become a member
Simply complete our online application form. All applications are considered by the Board, which is required to formally endorse membership.
The Directors of the Bendigo Community Health Services Board are responsible for ensuring we achieve our Vision, Mission, Strategic Directions and Objectives and, in doing so, meets all compliance requirements. These duties are carried out on behalf of our community and key stakeholders including State and Federal Government.
Our constitution
To read a copy of the Bendigo Community Health Services constitution click here.
Our life members
Over the course of 50 years of service, we have been blessed with a supportive membership base who have championed community health and helped shape the course of our history.
Our Life Member Honour Board features:
Fatima Chopra
Robert Gartside
Susan Haughton
Elsie L’Huillier
John McKinlay
Elaine McNamara
Brenda Murley
Toni Riley
Graham Watson