We're always looking for ways to improve your experience when visiting us ... so ... on Monday we're relaunching Ask Me 3.

It's all about improving the care you receive at BCHS.

Sometimes given the circumstances people have trouble remembering and understanding information around issues with their health and wellbeing. We're going to help you with that.

Ask Me 3 encourages people to use three important questions during an appointment to understand the problem and the treatment needed.

A survey of more than 34,000 people who used Ask Me 3 found the process helped them feel more informed, encouraged them to take a more active role in their healthcare and gave them a greater understanding of the risks they faced.

Anything that gets people more involved in their health and wellbeing is a good thing - so here we go! If you come to us for care from Monday, don't be surprised if you're prompted to Ask Me 3!

If you're not sure about Ask Me 3, our friendly client services staff will show you the way.

Ask Me 3 is part of the Bendigo Community Health Services commitment to Quality, Safety and the Consumer Experience.

We've committed our staff to training to make sure the Ask Me 3 program reaches its full potential.

Now it's about raising community awareness that Ask Me 3 is a valuable tool to ensure you can take an active role in your healthcare.

Download the Ask Me 3 form here: pdf Ask Me 3 form: Print out and take to your next healthcare appointment (1.06 MB)